Interactive Trees
These family trees are interactive, you can expand or contract as you require. The more generations included in the family tree that is displayed, the more unwieldy it is to use. The number of individuals included in it grows exponentially with each generation. So, you can choose whichever option you want to start with and extend or decrease the amount of the tree you view. You can selct a tree showing from just two generations up to 4 generations. In some branches of the tree there are up to 7 generations - you will need to interactively select individuals to see all the generations in that individuals branch (more details on this below).
Summary Trees
Typically the Interactive Trees hold about 4 generations. After that we get into the current time and the "land of the living". This throws up issues of confidentiality and also not facilitating identity theft in any way. In the main trees, I redact surnames in a few places where there may be immediate descendants still living, but I have also introduced the idea of summary trees where, for the last individual in a branch, I list their sons & daughters, their partners (if any) and their children, and even the grandchildren. But I only provide Christian/First names to protect against identity theft. Both summary trees and the normal tree are accessed the same way - if the name of an individual in a tree is underlined (i.e. is a hyperlink) just click on the name to see the (summary)tree. People who know the families will be able to understand it and it also helps with demonstrating the size of the population who have John 1813 as an antecedant. For anyone who sees a sparse summary tree, and has knowledge to help complete it, please contact me.
On Interactive Trees, You can :
- Focus & Expand : Click on any Individual that is underlined and you will be presented with a more focussed tree that only shows the individuals direct parental line from the earlier generations, but an expanded view of all that same individuals descendants down through all later generations.
- See Details : Where you see this icon
then there is considerably more detailed information available for this individual. This could include photos, some life history, interesting facts or links to more information.
- See Details : Where you see this icon
then there is detailed information available for this individual. There may also be some additional notes pertaining to the individual which may be of interest
- See Summary : Where you see this icon
then there is less detailed information available for this individual. This can include the individual and partners long name (any other given names or "known by" names), date/location of birth, death, marriage, locations lived, which can be informative.
Some Restrictions/Limitations
- Within the tree, you will see some surnames listed as "Redacted" - this means that for confidentiality purposes the surname, although known, is not being disclosed. This is usually because either there are living, direct descendants, where disclosure of their mothers maiden name might assist identity theft, or as their mothers maiden name was "Cowzer", and is obvious from the tree, it would be wiser not to not to disclose their own surname. If you find a need to obtain a redacted name, please contact me directly.
- Within the tree, you will see some surnames listed as "NotKnown or ?????" - in which case if you have information, I would be delighted to have it.
- And finally, for some individuals we do not show a birth year. If shown as "????" then the year is not known, and I would welcome information about it. If shown as blank, then it is probably being withheld, again so as not to assist with identity theft for living individuals.